Source code for teos.watcher

from queue import Queue
from threading import Thread
from collections import OrderedDict
from readerwriterlock import rwlock

from teos.logger import get_logger
import common.receipts as receipts
from import compute_locator
from common.exceptions import BasicException
from common.exceptions import EncryptionError
from common.cryptographer import Cryptographer, hash_160
from common.exceptions import InvalidParameter, SignatureError

from teos.cleaner import Cleaner
from teos.extended_appointment import ExtendedAppointment
from teos.block_processor import InvalidTransactionFormat

[docs]class AppointmentLimitReached(BasicException): """Raised when the tower maximum appointment count has been reached."""
[docs]class AppointmentAlreadyTriggered(BasicException): """ Raised when an appointment is sent to the Watcher but that same data has already been sent to the :obj:`Responder`. """
[docs]class AppointmentNotFound(BasicException): """Raised when an appointment is not found on the tower."""
[docs]class LocatorCache: """ The :obj:`LocatorCache` keeps the data about the last ``cache_size`` blocks around so appointments can be checked against it. The data is indexed by locator and it's mainly built during the normal :obj:`Watcher` operation so no extra steps are normally needed. Args: blocks_in_cache (:obj:`int`): the numbers of blocks to keep in the cache. Attributes: logger (:obj:`Logger <teos.logger.Logger>`): The logger for this component. cache (:obj:`dict`): A dictionary of ``locator:dispute_txid`` pairs that received appointments are checked against. blocks (:obj:`OrderedDict`): An ordered dictionary of the last ``blocks_in_cache`` blocks (``block_hash:locators``). Used to keep track of what data belongs to what block, so data can be pruned accordingly. Also needed to rebuild the cache in case of reorgs. cache_size (:obj:`int`): The size of the cache in blocks. """ def __init__(self, blocks_in_cache): self.logger = get_logger(component=LocatorCache.__name__) self.cache = dict() self.blocks = OrderedDict() self.cache_size = blocks_in_cache self.rw_lock = rwlock.RWLockWrite()
[docs] def init(self, last_known_block, block_processor): """ Sets the initial state of the locator cache. Args: last_known_block (:obj:`str`): the last known block by the :obj:`Watcher`. block_processor (:obj:`BlockProcessor <teos.block_processor.BlockProcessor>`): a block processor instance. """ # This is needed as a separate method from __init__ since it has to be initialized right before start watching. # Not doing so implies store temporary variables in the Watcher and initialising the cache as None. target_block_hash = last_known_block for _ in range(self.cache_size): # In some setups, like regtest, it could be the case that there are no enough previous blocks. # In those cases we pull as many as we can (up to cache_size). if not target_block_hash: break target_block = block_processor.get_block(target_block_hash) if not target_block: break locator_txid_map = {compute_locator(txid): txid for txid in target_block.get("tx")} self.cache.update(locator_txid_map) self.blocks[target_block_hash] = list(locator_txid_map.keys()) target_block_hash = target_block.get("previousblockhash") self.blocks = OrderedDict(reversed((list(self.blocks.items()))))
[docs] def get_txid(self, locator): """ Gets a txid from the locator cache. Args: locator (:obj:`str`): the locator to lookup in the cache. Returns: :obj:`str` or :obj:`None`: The txid linked to the given locator if found. None otherwise. """ with self.rw_lock.gen_rlock(): locator = self.cache.get(locator) return locator
[docs] def update(self, block_hash, locator_txid_map): """ Updates the cache with data from a new block. Removes the oldest block if the cache is full after the addition. Args: block_hash (:obj:`str`): the hash of the new block. locator_txid_map (:obj:`dict`): the dictionary of locators (locator:txid) derived from a list of transaction ids. """ with self.rw_lock.gen_wlock(): self.cache.update(locator_txid_map) self.blocks[block_hash] = list(locator_txid_map.keys()) self.logger.debug("Block added to cache", block_hash=block_hash) if self.is_full(): self.remove_oldest_block()
[docs] def is_full(self): """ Returns whether the cache is full or not.""" with self.rw_lock.gen_rlock(): full = len(self.blocks) > self.cache_size return full
[docs] def remove_oldest_block(self): """ Removes the oldest block from the cache.""" with self.rw_lock.gen_wlock(): block_hash, locators = self.blocks.popitem(last=False) for locator in locators: del self.cache[locator] self.logger.debug("Block removed from cache", block_hash=block_hash)
[docs] def fix(self, last_known_block, block_processor): """ Fixes the cache after a reorg has been detected by feeding the most recent ``cache_size`` blocks to it. Args: last_known_block (:obj:`str`): the last known block hash after the reorg. block_processor (:obj:`BlockProcessor <teos.block_processor.BlockProcessor>`): a block processor instance. """ tmp_cache = LocatorCache(self.cache_size) # We assume there are no reorgs back to genesis. If so, this would raise some log warnings. And the cache will # be filled with less than cache_size blocks. target_block_hash = last_known_block for _ in range(tmp_cache.cache_size): target_block = block_processor.get_block(target_block_hash) if target_block: # Compute the locator:txid pair for every transaction in the block and update both the cache and # the block mapping. locator_txid_map = {compute_locator(txid): txid for txid in target_block.get("tx")} tmp_cache.cache.update(locator_txid_map) tmp_cache.blocks[target_block_hash] = list(locator_txid_map.keys()) target_block_hash = target_block.get("previousblockhash") with self.rw_lock.gen_wlock(): self.blocks = OrderedDict(reversed((list(tmp_cache.blocks.items())))) self.cache = tmp_cache.cache
[docs]class Watcher: """ The :class:`Watcher` is in charge of watching for channel breaches for the appointments accepted by the tower. The :class:`Watcher` keeps track of the accepted appointments in ``appointments`` and, for new received blocks, checks if any breach has happened by comparing the txids with the appointment locators. If a breach is seen, the ``encrypted_blob`` of the corresponding appointment is decrypted and the data is passed to the :obj:`Responder <teos.responder.Responder>`. If an appointment reaches its end with no breach, the data is simply deleted. The :class:`Watcher` receives information about new received blocks via the ``block_queue`` that is populated by the :obj:`ChainMonitor <teos.chain_monitor.ChainMonitor>`. Args: db_manager (:obj:`AppointmentsDBM <teos.appointments_dbm.AppointmentsDBM>`): an instance of the appointment database manager to interact with the database. block_processor (:obj:`BlockProcessor <teos.block_processor.BlockProcessor>`): a block processor instance to get block from bitcoind. responder (:obj:`Responder <teos.responder.Responder>`): a responder instance. sk (:obj:`PrivateKey`): a private key used to sign accepted appointments. max_appointments (:obj:`int`): the maximum amount of appointments accepted by the :obj:`Watcher` at the same time. blocks_in_cache (:obj:`int`): the number of blocks to keep in cache so recently triggered appointments can be covered. Attributes: appointments (:obj:`dict`): A dictionary containing a summary of the appointments (:obj:`ExtendedAppointment <teos.extended_appointment.ExtendedAppointment>` instances) accepted by the tower (``locator`` and ``user_id``). It's populated trough ``add_appointment``. locator_uuid_map (:obj:`dict`): A ``locator:uuid`` map used to allow the :obj:`Watcher` to deal with several appointments with the same ``locator``. block_queue (:obj:`Queue`): A queue used by the :obj:`Watcher` to receive block hashes from ``bitcoind``. It is populated by the :obj:`ChainMonitor <teos.chain_monitor.ChainMonitor>`. db_manager (:obj:`AppointmentsDBM <teos.appointments_dbm.AppointmentsDBM>`): An instance of the appointment database manager to interact with the database. gatekeeper (:obj:`Gatekeeper <teos.gatekeeper.Gatekeeper>`): A gatekeeper instance in charge to control the user access and subscription expiry. block_processor (:obj:`BlockProcessor <teos.block_processor.BlockProcessor>`): A block processor instance to get block from bitcoind. responder (:obj:`Responder <teos.responder.Responder>`): A responder instance. signing_key (:obj:`PrivateKey`): A private key used to sign accepted appointments. max_appointments (:obj:`int`): The maximum amount of appointments accepted by the :obj:`Watcher` at the same time. last_known_block (:obj:`str`): The last block known by the :obj:`Watcher`. locator_cache (:obj:`LocatorCache`): A cache of locators for the last ``blocks_in_cache`` blocks. Raises: :obj:`InvalidKey`: if teos sk cannot be loaded.\ """ def __init__(self, db_manager, gatekeeper, block_processor, responder, sk, max_appointments, blocks_in_cache): self.logger = get_logger(component=Watcher.__name__) self.appointments = dict() self.locator_uuid_map = dict() self.block_queue = Queue() self.db_manager = db_manager self.gatekeeper = gatekeeper self.block_processor = block_processor self.responder = responder self.max_appointments = max_appointments self.signing_key = sk self.last_known_block = db_manager.load_last_block_hash_watcher() self.locator_cache = LocatorCache(blocks_in_cache) @property def tower_id(self): """Get the id of this tower, as a hex string.""" return Cryptographer.get_compressed_pk(self.signing_key.public_key) @property def n_registered_users(self): """Get the number of users currently registered to the tower.""" return len(self.gatekeeper.registered_users) @property def n_watcher_appointments(self): """Get the total number of appointments stored in the watcher.""" return len(self.appointments) @property def n_responder_trackers(self): """Get the total number of trackers in the responder.""" return len(self.responder.trackers)
[docs] def awake(self): """ Starts a new thread to monitor the blockchain for channel breaches. The thread will run until the :obj:`ChainMonitor` adds the ``"END"`` message to the queue. Returns: :obj:`Thread <multithreading.Thread>`: The thread object that was just created and is already running. """ watcher_thread = Thread(target=self.do_watch, daemon=True) watcher_thread.start() return watcher_thread
[docs] def register(self, user_id): """ Registers a user. Args: user_id (:obj:`str`): the public key that identifies the user (33-bytes hex str). Returns: :obj:`tuple`: A tuple containing the available slots, the subscription expiry, and the signature of the registration receipt by the Watcher. """ available_slots, subscription_expiry, registration_receipt = self.gatekeeper.add_update_user(user_id) signature = Cryptographer.sign(registration_receipt, self.signing_key) return available_slots, subscription_expiry, signature
[docs] def get_appointment(self, locator, user_signature): """ Gets information about an appointment. The appointment can either be in the watcher, the responder, or not found. Args: locator (:obj:`str`): a 16-byte hex-encoded value used by the tower to detect channel breaches. user_signature (:obj:`str`): the signature of the request by the user. Returns: :obj:`tuple`: A tuple containing the appointment data and the status (either ``"being_watched"`` or ``"dispute_responded"``). Raises: :obj:`AppointmentNotFound`: if the appointment is not found in the tower. """ message = "get appointment {}".format(locator).encode() user_id = self.gatekeeper.authenticate_user(message, user_signature) uuid = hash_160("{}{}".format(locator, user_id)) if uuid in self.appointments: appointment_data = self.db_manager.load_watcher_appointment(uuid) status = "being_watched" elif uuid in self.responder.trackers: appointment_data = self.db_manager.load_responder_tracker(uuid) status = "dispute_responded" else: raise AppointmentNotFound("Cannot find {}".format(locator)) return appointment_data, status
[docs] def add_appointment(self, appointment, user_signature): """ Adds a new appointment to the ``appointments`` dictionary if ``max_appointments`` has not been reached. ``add_appointment`` is the entry point of the :obj:`Watcher`. Upon receiving a new appointment it will start monitoring the blockchain (``do_watch``) until ``appointments`` is empty. Once a breach is seen on the blockchain, the :obj:`Watcher` will decrypt the corresponding ``encrypted_blob`` and pass the information to the :obj:`Responder <teos.responder.Responder>`. The tower may store multiple appointments with the same ``locator`` to avoid DoS attacks based on data rewriting. `locators`` should be derived from the ``dispute_txid``, but that task is performed by the user, and the tower has no way of verifying whether or not they have been properly derived. Therefore, appointments are identified by ``uuid`` and stored in ``appointments`` and ``locator_uuid_map``. Args: appointment (:obj:`Appointment <common.appointment.Appointment>`): the appointment to be added to the :obj:`Watcher`. user_signature (:obj:`str`): the user's appointment signature (hex-encoded). Returns: :obj:`dict`: The tower response as a dict, containing: ``locator``, ``signature``, ``available_slots`` and ``subscription_expiry``. Raises: :obj:`AppointmentLimitReached`: If the tower cannot hold more appointments (cap reached). :obj:`AuthenticationFailure`: If the user cannot be authenticated. :obj:`NotEnoughSlots`: If the user does not have enough available slots, so the appointment is rejected. """ if len(self.appointments) >= self.max_appointments: message = "Maximum appointments reached, appointment rejected", locator=appointment.locator) raise AppointmentLimitReached(message) user_id = self.gatekeeper.authenticate_user(appointment.serialize(), user_signature) start_block = self.block_processor.get_block(self.last_known_block).get("height") extended_appointment = ExtendedAppointment( appointment.locator, appointment.encrypted_blob, appointment.to_self_delay, user_id, user_signature, start_block, ) # The uuids are generated as the RIPEMD160(locator||user_pubkey). # If an appointment is requested by the user the uuid can be recomputed and queried straightaway (no maps). uuid = hash_160("{}{}".format(extended_appointment.locator, user_id)) # If this is a copy of an appointment we've already reacted to, the new appointment is rejected. if uuid in self.responder.trackers: message = "Appointment already in Responder" raise AppointmentAlreadyTriggered(message) # Add the appointment to the Gatekeeper available_slots = self.gatekeeper.add_update_appointment(user_id, uuid, extended_appointment) # Appointments that were triggered in blocks held in the cache dispute_txid = self.locator_cache.get_txid(extended_appointment.locator) if dispute_txid: try: penalty_txid, penalty_rawtx = self.check_breach(uuid, extended_appointment, dispute_txid) receipt = self.responder.handle_breach( uuid, extended_appointment.locator, dispute_txid, penalty_txid, penalty_rawtx, user_id, self.last_known_block, ) # At this point the appointment is accepted but data is only kept if it goes through the Responder. # Otherwise it is dropped. if receipt.delivered: self.db_manager.store_watcher_appointment(uuid, extended_appointment.to_dict()) self.db_manager.create_append_locator_map(extended_appointment.locator, uuid) self.db_manager.create_triggered_appointment_flag(uuid) except (EncryptionError, InvalidTransactionFormat): # If data inside the encrypted blob is invalid, the appointment is accepted but the data is dropped. # (same as with data that bounces in the Responder). This reduces the appointment slot count so it # could be used to discourage user misbehaviour. pass # Regular appointments that have not been triggered (or, at least, not recently) else: self.appointments[uuid] = extended_appointment.get_summary() if extended_appointment.locator in self.locator_uuid_map: # If the uuid is already in the map it means this is an update. if uuid not in self.locator_uuid_map[extended_appointment.locator]: self.locator_uuid_map[extended_appointment.locator].append(uuid) else: # Otherwise two users have sent an appointment with the same locator, so we need to store both. self.locator_uuid_map[extended_appointment.locator] = [uuid] self.db_manager.store_watcher_appointment(uuid, extended_appointment.to_dict()) self.db_manager.create_append_locator_map(extended_appointment.locator, uuid) try: signature = Cryptographer.sign( receipts.create_appointment_receipt(user_signature, start_block), self.signing_key ) except (InvalidParameter, SignatureError): # This should never happen since data is sanitized, just in case to avoid a crash self.logger.error("Data couldn't be signed", appointment=extended_appointment.to_dict()) signature = None"New appointment accepted", locator=extended_appointment.locator) return { "locator": extended_appointment.locator, "start_block": extended_appointment.start_block, "signature": signature, "available_slots": available_slots, "subscription_expiry": self.gatekeeper.registered_users[user_id].subscription_expiry, }
[docs] def do_watch(self): """ Monitors the blockchain for channel breaches. This is the main method of the :obj:`Watcher` and the one in charge to pass appointments to the :obj:`Responder <teos.responder.Responder>` upon detecting a breach. """ # Distinguish fresh bootstraps from bootstraps from db if self.last_known_block is None: self.last_known_block = self.block_processor.get_best_block_hash() self.db_manager.store_last_block_hash_watcher(self.last_known_block) # Initialise the locator cache with the last ``cache_size`` blocks. self.locator_cache.init(self.last_known_block, self.block_processor) while True: block_hash = self.block_queue.get() # When the ChainMonitor is stopped, a final "END" message is sent if block_hash == "END": break block = self.block_processor.get_block(block_hash) "New block received", block_hash=block_hash, prev_block_hash=block.get("previousblockhash") ) # If a reorg is detected, the cache is fixed to cover the last `cache_size` blocks of the new chain if self.last_known_block != block.get("previousblockhash"): self.locator_cache.fix(block_hash, self.block_processor) txids = block.get("tx") # Compute the locator for every transaction in the block and add them to the cache locator_txid_map = {compute_locator(txid): txid for txid in txids} self.locator_cache.update(block_hash, locator_txid_map) if len(self.appointments) > 0 and locator_txid_map: expired_appointments = self.gatekeeper.get_expired_appointments(block["height"]) # Make sure we only try to delete what is on the Watcher (some appointments may have been triggered) expired_appointments = list(set(expired_appointments).intersection(self.appointments.keys())) # Keep track of the expired appointments before deleting them from memory appointments_to_delete_gatekeeper = { uuid: self.appointments[uuid].get("user_id") for uuid in expired_appointments } Cleaner.delete_expired_appointments( expired_appointments, self.appointments, self.locator_uuid_map, self.db_manager ) valid_breaches, invalid_breaches = self.filter_breaches(self.get_breaches(locator_txid_map)) triggered_flags = [] appointments_to_delete = [] for uuid, breach in valid_breaches.items(): "Notifying responder and deleting appointment", penalty_txid=breach["penalty_txid"], locator=breach["locator"], uuid=uuid, ) receipt = self.responder.handle_breach( uuid, breach["locator"], breach["dispute_txid"], breach["penalty_txid"], breach["penalty_rawtx"], self.appointments[uuid].get("user_id"), block_hash, ) # FIXME: Only necessary because of the triggered appointment approach. Fix if it changes. if receipt.delivered: Cleaner.delete_appointment_from_memory(uuid, self.appointments, self.locator_uuid_map) triggered_flags.append(uuid) else: appointments_to_delete.append(uuid) # Appointments are only flagged as triggered if they are delivered, otherwise they are just deleted. appointments_to_delete.extend(invalid_breaches) self.db_manager.batch_create_triggered_appointment_flag(triggered_flags) # Update the dictionary with the completed appointments appointments_to_delete_gatekeeper.update( {uuid: self.appointments[uuid].get("user_id") for uuid in appointments_to_delete} ) Cleaner.delete_completed_appointments( appointments_to_delete, self.appointments, self.locator_uuid_map, self.db_manager ) # Remove expired and completed appointments from the Gatekeeper Cleaner.delete_gatekeeper_appointments(self.gatekeeper, appointments_to_delete_gatekeeper) if not self.appointments:"No more pending appointments") # Register the last processed block for the Watcher self.db_manager.store_last_block_hash_watcher(block_hash) self.last_known_block = block.get("hash") self.block_queue.task_done()
[docs] def get_breaches(self, locator_txid_map): """ Gets a dictionary of channel breaches given a map of ``locator:dispute_txid``. Args: locator_txid_map (:obj:`dict`): the dictionary of locators (locator:txid) derived from a list of transaction ids. Returns: :obj:`dict`: A dictionary (``locator:txid``) with all the breaches found. An empty dictionary if none are found. """ # Check is any of the tx_ids in the received block is an actual match intersection = set(self.locator_uuid_map.keys()).intersection(locator_txid_map.keys()) breaches = {locator: locator_txid_map[locator] for locator in intersection} if len(breaches) > 0:"List of breaches", breaches=breaches) else:"No breaches found") return breaches
[docs] def check_breach(self, uuid, appointment, dispute_txid): """ Checks if a breach is valid. Valid breaches should decrypt to a valid transaction. Args: uuid (:obj:`str`): the uuid of the appointment that was triggered by the breach. appointment (:obj:`ExtendedAppointment <teos.extended_appointment.ExtendedAppointment>`): the appointment data. dispute_txid (:obj:`str`): the id of the transaction that triggered the breach. Returns: :obj:`tuple`: A tuple containing the penalty txid and the raw penalty tx. Raises: :obj:`EncryptionError`: if the encrypted blob from the provided appointment cannot be decrypted with the key derived from the breach transaction id. :obj:`InvalidTransactionFormat`: if the decrypted data does not have a valid transaction format. """ try: penalty_rawtx = Cryptographer.decrypt(appointment.encrypted_blob, dispute_txid) penalty_tx = self.block_processor.decode_raw_transaction(penalty_rawtx) except EncryptionError as e:"Transaction cannot be decrypted", uuid=uuid) raise e except InvalidTransactionFormat as e:"The breach contained an invalid transaction", uuid=uuid) raise e "Breach found for locator", locator=appointment.locator, uuid=uuid, penalty_txid=penalty_tx.get("txid") ) return penalty_tx.get("txid"), penalty_rawtx
[docs] def filter_breaches(self, breaches): """ Filters the valid from the invalid channel breaches. The :obj:`Watcher` cannot know if an ``encrypted_blob`` contains a valid transaction until a breach is seen. Blobs that contain arbitrary data are dropped and not sent to the :obj:`Responder <teos.responder.Responder>`. Args: breaches (:obj:`dict`): a dictionary containing channel breaches (``locator:txid``). Returns: :obj:`tuple`: A dictionary and a list. The former contains the valid breaches, while the latter contain the invalid ones. The valid breaches dictionary has the following structure: ``{locator, dispute_txid, penalty_txid, penalty_rawtx}`` """ valid_breaches = {} invalid_breaches = [] # A cache of the already decrypted blobs so replicate decryption can be avoided decrypted_blobs = {} for locator, dispute_txid in breaches.items(): for uuid in self.locator_uuid_map[locator]: appointment = ExtendedAppointment.from_dict(self.db_manager.load_watcher_appointment(uuid)) if appointment.encrypted_blob in decrypted_blobs: penalty_txid, penalty_rawtx = decrypted_blobs[appointment.encrypted_blob] valid_breaches[uuid] = { "locator": appointment.locator, "dispute_txid": dispute_txid, "penalty_txid": penalty_txid, "penalty_rawtx": penalty_rawtx, } else: try: penalty_txid, penalty_rawtx = self.check_breach(uuid, appointment, dispute_txid) valid_breaches[uuid] = { "locator": appointment.locator, "dispute_txid": dispute_txid, "penalty_txid": penalty_txid, "penalty_rawtx": penalty_rawtx, } decrypted_blobs[appointment.encrypted_blob] = (penalty_txid, penalty_rawtx) except (EncryptionError, InvalidTransactionFormat): invalid_breaches.append(uuid) return valid_breaches, invalid_breaches
[docs] def get_registered_user_ids(self): """Returns the list of user ids of all the registered users.""" return list(self.gatekeeper.registered_users.keys())
[docs] def get_user_info(self, user_id): """ Returns the data hold by the tower about the user given an ``user_id``. Args: user_id (:obj:`str`): the id of the requested user. Returns: :obj:`UserInfo <teos.gatekeeper.UserInfo> or :obj:`None`: The user data if found. :obj:`None` if not found, or the ``user_id`` is invalid. """ return self.gatekeeper.registered_users.get(user_id)
[docs] def get_all_watcher_appointments(self): """Returns a dictionary with all the appointment stored in the db for the watcher.""" return self.db_manager.load_watcher_appointments()
[docs] def get_all_responder_trackers(self): """Returns a dictionary with all the trackers stored in the db for the responder.""" return self.db_manager.load_responder_trackers()