Source code for

from socket import timeout
from http.client import HTTPException

from teos.utils.auth_proxy import AuthServiceProxy, JSONRPCException


Tools is a module with general methods that can used by different entities in the codebase.

[docs]def bitcoin_cli(btc_connect_params): """ An ``http`` connection with ``bitcoind`` using the ``json-rpc`` interface. Args: btc_connect_params (:obj:`dict`): a dictionary with the parameters to connect to bitcoind (``rpc user, rpc password, host and port``) Returns: :obj:`AuthServiceProxy <teos.utils.auth_proxy.AuthServiceProxy>`: An authenticated service proxy to ``bitcoind`` that can be used to send ``json-rpc`` commands. """ return AuthServiceProxy( "http://%s:%s@%s:%d" % ( btc_connect_params.get("BTC_RPC_USER"), btc_connect_params.get("BTC_RPC_PASSWORD"), btc_connect_params.get("BTC_RPC_CONNECT"), btc_connect_params.get("BTC_RPC_PORT"), ) )
[docs]def can_connect_to_bitcoind(btc_connect_params): """ Checks if the tower has connection to ``bitcoind``. Args: btc_connect_params (:obj:`dict`): a dictionary with the parameters to connect to bitcoind (``rpc user, rpc password, host and port``). Returns: :obj:`bool`: True if the connection can be established. False otherwise. """ can_connect = True try: bitcoin_cli(btc_connect_params).help() except (timeout, ConnectionRefusedError, JSONRPCException, HTTPException, OSError): can_connect = False return can_connect
[docs]def in_correct_network(btc_connect_params, network): """ Checks if ``bitcoind`` and the tower are configured to run in the same network (``mainnet``, ``testnet`` or ``regtest``) Args: btc_connect_params (:obj:`dict`): a dictionary with the parameters to connect to bitcoind (rpc user, rpc password, host and port) network (:obj:`str`): the network the tower is connected to. Returns: :obj:`bool`: True if the network configuration matches. False otherwise. """ mainnet_genesis_block_hash = "000000000019d6689c085ae165831e934ff763ae46a2a6c172b3f1b60a8ce26f" testnet3_genesis_block_hash = "000000000933ea01ad0ee984209779baaec3ced90fa3f408719526f8d77f4943" correct_network = False genesis_block_hash = bitcoin_cli(btc_connect_params).getblockhash(0) if network == "mainnet" and genesis_block_hash == mainnet_genesis_block_hash: correct_network = True elif network == "testnet" and genesis_block_hash == testnet3_genesis_block_hash: correct_network = True elif network == "regtest" and genesis_block_hash not in [mainnet_genesis_block_hash, testnet3_genesis_block_hash]: correct_network = True return correct_network
[docs]def get_default_rpc_port(network): """ Returns the default RPC port given a network name. Args: network (:obj:`str`): the network name. Either ``mainnet``, ``testnet`` or ``regtest``. Returns: :obj:`int`: The default RPC port depending on the given network name. Raises: :obj:`ValueError`: If the network is not mainnet, testnet or regtest. """ if network == "mainnet": return MAINNET_RPC_PORT elif network == "testnet": return TESTNET_RPC_PORT elif network == "regtest": return REGTEST_RPC_PORT else: raise ValueError("Wrong Bitcoin network. Expected: mainnet, testnet or regtest. Received: {}".format(network))