Source code for teos.inspector

import re

from import is_locator
from common.appointment import Appointment
from common.constants import LOCATOR_LEN_HEX
import common.errors as errors

# FIXME: The inspector logs the wrong messages sent form the users. A possible attack surface would be to send a really
#        long field that, even if not accepted by TEOS, would be stored in the logs. This is a possible DoS surface
#        since teos would store any kind of message (no matter the length). Solution: truncate the length of the fields
#        stored + blacklist if multiple wrong requests are received.

BLOCKS_IN_A_MONTH = 4320  # 4320 = roughly a month in blocks

[docs]class InspectionFailed(Exception): """Raise this the inspector finds a problem with any of the appointment fields.""" def __init__(self, erno, reason): self.erno = erno self.reason = reason
[docs]class Inspector: """ The :class:`Inspector` class is in charge of verifying that the appointment data provided by the user is correct. Args: min_to_self_delay (:obj:`int`): the minimum to_self_delay accepted in appointments. """ def __init__(self, min_to_self_delay): self.min_to_self_delay = min_to_self_delay
[docs] def inspect(self, appointment_data): """ Inspects whether the data provided by the user is correct. Args: appointment_data (:obj:`dict`): a dictionary containing the appointment data. Returns: :obj:`Appointment <common.appointment.Appointment>`: An appointment initialized with the provided data. Raises: :obj:`InspectionFailed`: if any of the fields is wrong. """ if appointment_data is None: raise InspectionFailed(errors.APPOINTMENT_EMPTY_FIELD, "empty appointment received") elif not isinstance(appointment_data, dict): raise InspectionFailed(errors.APPOINTMENT_WRONG_FIELD, "wrong appointment format") self.check_locator(appointment_data.get("locator")) self.check_to_self_delay(appointment_data.get("to_self_delay")) self.check_blob(appointment_data.get("encrypted_blob")) return Appointment( appointment_data.get("locator"), appointment_data.get("encrypted_blob"), appointment_data.get("to_self_delay"), )
[docs] @staticmethod def check_locator(locator): """ Checks if the provided ``locator`` is correct. Locators must be 16-byte hex-encoded strings. Args: locator (:obj:`str`): the locator to be checked. Raises: :obj:`InspectionFailed`: if any of the fields is wrong. """ if locator is None: raise InspectionFailed(errors.APPOINTMENT_EMPTY_FIELD, "empty locator received") elif type(locator) != str: raise InspectionFailed( errors.APPOINTMENT_WRONG_FIELD_TYPE, "wrong locator data type ({})".format(type(locator)) ) elif len(locator) != LOCATOR_LEN_HEX: raise InspectionFailed(errors.APPOINTMENT_WRONG_FIELD_SIZE, "wrong locator size ({})".format(len(locator))) elif not is_locator(locator): raise InspectionFailed(errors.APPOINTMENT_WRONG_FIELD_FORMAT, "wrong locator format ({})".format(locator))
[docs] def check_to_self_delay(self, to_self_delay): """ Checks if the provided ``to_self_delay`` is correct. To self delays must be greater or equal to ``MIN_TO_SELF_DELAY``. Args: to_self_delay (:obj:`int`): The ``to_self_delay`` encoded in the ``csv`` of ``to_remote`` output of the commitment transaction this appointment is covering. Raises: :obj:`InspectionFailed`: if any of the fields is wrong. """ if to_self_delay is None: raise InspectionFailed(errors.APPOINTMENT_EMPTY_FIELD, "empty to_self_delay received") elif type(to_self_delay) != int: raise InspectionFailed( errors.APPOINTMENT_WRONG_FIELD_TYPE, "wrong to_self_delay data type ({})".format(type(to_self_delay)) ) elif to_self_delay > pow(2, 32): raise InspectionFailed( errors.APPOINTMENT_FIELD_TOO_BIG, "to_self_delay must fit the transaction nLockTime field ({} > {})".format(to_self_delay, pow(2, 32)), ) elif to_self_delay < self.min_to_self_delay: raise InspectionFailed( errors.APPOINTMENT_FIELD_TOO_SMALL, "to_self_delay too small. The to_self_delay should be at least {} (current: {})".format( self.min_to_self_delay, to_self_delay ), )
[docs] @staticmethod def check_blob(encrypted_blob): """ Checks if the provided ``encrypted_blob`` may be correct. Args: encrypted_blob (:obj:`str`): the encrypted blob to be checked (hex-encoded). Raises: :obj:`InspectionFailed`: if any of the fields is wrong. """ if encrypted_blob is None: raise InspectionFailed(errors.APPOINTMENT_EMPTY_FIELD, "empty encrypted_blob received") elif type(encrypted_blob) != str: raise InspectionFailed( errors.APPOINTMENT_WRONG_FIELD_TYPE, "wrong encrypted_blob data type ({})".format(type(encrypted_blob)) ) elif"^[0-9A-Fa-f]+$", encrypted_blob) is None: raise InspectionFailed( errors.APPOINTMENT_WRONG_FIELD_FORMAT, "wrong encrypted_blob format ({})".format(encrypted_blob) )