Source code for teos.cli.teos_cli

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import sys
import json
import grpc
from sys import argv
import functools
from getopt import getopt, GetoptError
from google.protobuf import json_format
from google.protobuf.empty_pb2 import Empty

from common.config_loader import ConfigLoader
from import setup_data_folder, is_compressed_pk, intify
from common.exceptions import InvalidParameter

from import (
from teos.protobuf.tower_services_pb2_grpc import TowerServicesStub
from teos.protobuf.user_pb2 import GetUserRequest

[docs]def to_json(obj): """ All conversions to json in this module should be consistent, therefore we restrict the options using this function. """ return json.dumps(obj, indent=4)
[docs]def formatted(func): """ Transforms the given function by wrapping the return value with ``json_format.MessageToDict`` followed by json.dumps, in order to print the result in a prettyfied json format. """ @functools.wraps(func) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): result = func(*args, **kwargs) result_dict = json_format.MessageToDict( result, including_default_value_fields=True, preserving_proto_field_name=True ) return to_json(intify(result_dict)) return wrapper
[docs]class RPCClient: """ Creates and keeps a connection to the an RPC serving TowerServices. It has methods to call each of the available grpc services, and it returns a pretty-printed json response. Errors from the grpc calls are not handled. Args: rpc_host (:obj:`str`): the IP or host where the RPC server will be hosted. rpc_port (:obj:`int`): the port where the RPC server will be hosted. Attributes: channel (:obj:`grpc.Channel`): The :obj:`Channel` object. stub: The rpc client stub. """ def __init__(self, rpc_host, rpc_port): self.rpc_host = rpc_host self.rpc_port = rpc_port = grpc.insecure_channel(f"{rpc_host}:{rpc_port}") self.stub = TowerServicesStub(
[docs] @formatted def get_all_appointments(self): """Gets a list of all the appointments in the watcher, and trackers in the responder.""" result = self.stub.get_all_appointments(Empty()) return result.appointments
[docs] @formatted def get_tower_info(self): """Gets generic information about the tower.""" return self.stub.get_tower_info(Empty())
[docs] def get_users(self): """Gets the list of registered user ids.""" result = self.stub.get_users(Empty()) return to_json(list(result.user_ids))
[docs] @formatted def get_user(self, user_id): """ Gets information about a specific user. Args: user_id (:obj:`str`): the id of the requested user. Raises: :obj:`InvalidParameter`: if `user_id` is not in the valid format. """ if not is_compressed_pk(user_id): raise InvalidParameter("Invalid user id") result = self.stub.get_user(GetUserRequest(user_id=user_id)) return result.user
[docs] def stop(self): """Stops TEOS gracefully.""" self.stub.stop(Empty()) print("Closing the Eye of Satoshi")
[docs]def main(command, args, command_line_conf): # Loads config and sets up the data folder and log file config_loader = ConfigLoader(DATA_DIR, CONF_FILE_NAME, DEFAULT_CONF, command_line_conf) config = config_loader.build_config() setup_data_folder(DATA_DIR) teos_rpc_host = config.get("RPC_BIND") teos_rpc_port = config.get("RPC_PORT") rpc_client = RPCClient(teos_rpc_host, teos_rpc_port) result = None try: if command == "get_all_appointments": result = rpc_client.get_all_appointments() elif command == "get_tower_info": result = rpc_client.get_tower_info() elif command == "get_users": result = rpc_client.get_users() elif command == "get_user": if not args: sys.exit("No user_id was given") if len(args) > 1: sys.exit(f"Expected only one argument, not {len(args)}") result = rpc_client.get_user(args[0]) elif command == "stop": rpc_client.stop() elif command == "help": if args: command = args.pop(0) if command == "get_all_appointments": sys.exit(help_get_all_appointments()) elif command == "get_tower_info": sys.exit(help_get_tower_info()) elif command == "get_users": sys.exit(help_get_users()) elif command == "get_user": sys.exit(help_get_user()) elif command == "stop": sys.exit(help_stop()) else: sys.exit("Unknown command. Use help to check the list of available commands") else: sys.exit(show_usage()) if result: print(result) except grpc.RpcError as e: if e.code() == grpc.StatusCode.UNAVAILABLE: sys.exit("It was not possible to reach the Eye of Satoshi. Are you sure the tower is running?") else: sys.exit(e.details()) except InvalidParameter as e: sys.exit(e.msg if not e.kwargs else f"{e.msg}. Error arguments: {e.kwargs}") except Exception as e: sys.exit(f"Unknown error occurred: {str(e)}")
if __name__ == "__main__": command_line_conf = {} commands = ["get_all_appointments", "get_appointments", "get_tower_info", "get_users", "get_user", "stop", "help"] try: opts, args = getopt(argv[1:], "h", ["rpcbind=", "rpcport=", "help"]) for opt, arg in opts: if opt in ["--rpcbind"]: if arg: command_line_conf["RPC_BIND"] = arg if opt in ["--rpcport"]: if arg: try: command_line_conf["RPC_PORT"] = int(arg) except ValueError: sys.exit("port must be an integer") if opt in ["-h", "--help"]: sys.exit(show_usage()) command = args.pop(0) if args else None if command in commands: main(command, args, command_line_conf) elif not command: sys.exit("No command provided. Use help to check the list of available commands") else: sys.exit("Unknown command. Use help to check the list of available commands") except GetoptError as e: sys.exit("{}".format(e))