Source code for teos.appointments_dbm

import json
import plyvel

from teos.logger import get_logger
from common.db_manager import DBManager


[docs]class AppointmentsDBM(DBManager): """ The :class:`AppointmentsDBM` is in charge of interacting with the appointments database (``LevelDB``). Keys and values are stored as bytes in the database but processed as strings by the manager. The database is split in six prefixes: - ``WATCHER_PREFIX``, defined as ``b'w``, is used to store :obj:`Watcher <teos.watcher.Watcher>` appointments. - ``RESPONDER_PREFIX``, defines as ``b'r``, is used to store :obj:`Responder <teos.responder.Responder>` trackers. - ``WATCHER_LAST_BLOCK_KEY``, defined as ``b'bw``, is used to store the last block hash known by the :obj:`Watcher <teos.watcher.Watcher>`. - ``RESPONDER_LAST_BLOCK_KEY``, defined as ``b'br``, is used to store the last block hash known by the :obj:`Responder <teos.responder.Responder>`. - ``LOCATOR_MAP_PREFIX``, defined as ``b'm``, is used to store the ``locator:uuid`` maps. - ``TRIGGERED_APPOINTMENTS_PREFIX``, defined as ``b'ta``, is used to stored triggered appointments (appointments that have been handed to the :obj:`Responder <teos.responder.Responder>`.) Args: db_path (:obj:`str`): the path (relative or absolute) to the system folder containing the database. A fresh database will be created if the specified path does not contain one. Attributes: logger (:obj:`Logger <teos.logger.Logger>`): the logger for this component. Raises: :obj:`ValueError`: If the provided ``db_path`` is not a string. :obj:`plyvel.Error`: If the db is currently unavailable (being used by another process). """ # noqa: E501 def __init__(self, db_path): if not isinstance(db_path, str): raise ValueError("db_path must be a valid path/name") self.logger = get_logger(component=AppointmentsDBM.__name__) try: super().__init__(db_path) except plyvel.Error as e: if "LOCK: Resource temporarily unavailable" in str(e):"The db is already being used by another process (LOCK)") raise e
[docs] def load_appointments_db(self, prefix): """ Loads all data from the appointments database given a prefix. Two prefixes are defined: ``WATCHER_PREFIX`` and ``RESPONDER_PREFIX``. Args: prefix (:obj:`str`): the prefix of the data to load. Returns: :obj:`dict`: A dictionary containing the requested data (appointments or trackers) indexed by ``uuid``. Returns an empty dictionary if no data is found. """ data = {} for k, v in self.db.iterator(prefix=prefix.encode("utf-8")): # Get uuid and appointment_data from the db uuid = k[len(prefix) :].decode("utf-8") # noqa: E203 data[uuid] = json.loads(v) return data
[docs] def get_last_known_block(self, key): """ Loads the last known block given a key. Args: key (:obj:`str`): the identifier of the db to look into (either ``WATCHER_LAST_BLOCK_KEY`` or ``RESPONDER_LAST_BLOCK_KEY``). Returns: :obj:`str` or :obj:`None`: A 32-byte hex-encoded str representing the last known block hash. Returns :obj:`None` if the entry is not found. """ last_block = self.db.get(key.encode("utf-8")) if last_block: last_block = last_block.decode("utf-8") return last_block
[docs] def load_watcher_appointment(self, uuid): """ Loads an appointment from the database using ``WATCHER_PREFIX`` as prefix to the given ``uuid``. Args: uuid (:obj:`str`): the appointment's unique identifier. Returns: :obj:`dict`: A dictionary containing the appointment data if they ``key`` is found. Returns :obj:`None` otherwise. """ try: data = self.load_entry(uuid, prefix=WATCHER_PREFIX) data = json.loads(data) except (TypeError, json.decoder.JSONDecodeError): data = None return data
[docs] def load_responder_tracker(self, uuid): """ Loads a tracker from the database using ``RESPONDER_PREFIX`` as a prefix to the given ``uuid``. Args: uuid (:obj:`str`): the tracker's unique identifier. Returns: :obj:`dict`: A dictionary containing the tracker data if they ``key`` is found. Returns :obj:`None` otherwise. """ try: data = self.load_entry(uuid, prefix=RESPONDER_PREFIX) data = json.loads(data) except (TypeError, json.decoder.JSONDecodeError): data = None return data
[docs] def load_watcher_appointments(self, include_triggered=False): """ Loads all the appointments from the database (all entries with the ``WATCHER_PREFIX`` prefix). Args: include_triggered (:obj:`bool`): whether to include the appointments flagged as triggered or not. False by default. Returns: :obj:`dict`: A dictionary with all the appointments stored in the database. An empty dictionary if there are none. """ appointments = self.load_appointments_db(prefix=WATCHER_PREFIX) triggered_appointments = self.load_all_triggered_flags() if not include_triggered: not_triggered = list(set(appointments.keys()).difference(triggered_appointments)) appointments = {uuid: appointments[uuid] for uuid in not_triggered} return appointments
[docs] def load_responder_trackers(self): """ Loads all the trackers from the database (all entries with the ``RESPONDER_PREFIX`` prefix). Returns: :obj:`dict`: A dictionary with all the trackers stored in the database. An empty dictionary if there are none. """ return self.load_appointments_db(prefix=RESPONDER_PREFIX)
[docs] def store_watcher_appointment(self, uuid, appointment): """ Stores an appointment in the database using the ``WATCHER_PREFIX`` prefix. Args: uuid (:obj:`str`): the identifier of the appointment to be stored. appointment (:obj:`dict`): an appointment encoded as a dictionary. Returns: :obj:`bool`: True if the appointment was stored in the db. False otherwise. """ try: self.create_entry(uuid, json.dumps(appointment), prefix=WATCHER_PREFIX)"Adding appointment to Watchers's db", uuid=uuid) return True except json.JSONDecodeError: "Couldn't add appointment to db. Wrong appointment format.", uuid=uuid, appointment=appointment ) return False except TypeError:"Couldn't add appointment to db.", uuid=uuid, appointment=appointment) return False
[docs] def store_responder_tracker(self, uuid, tracker): """ Stores a tracker in the database using the ``RESPONDER_PREFIX`` prefix. Args: uuid (:obj:`str`): the identifier of the appointment to be stored. tracker (:obj:`dict`): a tracker encoded as a dictionary. Returns: :obj:`bool`: True if the tracker was stored in the db. False otherwise. """ try: self.create_entry(uuid, json.dumps(tracker), prefix=RESPONDER_PREFIX)"Adding tracker to Responder's db", uuid=uuid) return True except json.JSONDecodeError:"Couldn't add tracker to db. Wrong tracker format.", uuid=uuid, tracker=tracker) return False except TypeError:"Couldn't add tracker to db.", uuid=uuid, tracker=tracker) return False
[docs] def load_locator_map(self, locator): """ Loads the ``locator:uuid`` map of a given ``locator`` from the database. Args: locator (:obj:`str`): a 16-byte hex-encoded string representing the appointment locator. Returns: :obj:`dict` or :obj:`None`: The requested ``locator:uuid`` map if found. Returns :obj:`None` otherwise. """ key = (LOCATOR_MAP_PREFIX + locator).encode("utf-8") locator_map = self.db.get(key) if locator_map is not None: locator_map = json.loads(locator_map.decode("utf-8")) else:"Locator not found in the db", locator=locator) return locator_map
[docs] def create_append_locator_map(self, locator, uuid): """ Creates a ``locator:uuid`` map. If the map already exists, the new ``uuid`` is appended to the existing ones (if it is not already there). Args: locator (:obj:`str`): a 16-byte hex-encoded string used as the key of the map. uuid (:obj:`str`): a 16-byte hex-encoded unique id to create (or add to) the map. """ locator_map = self.load_locator_map(locator) if locator_map is not None: if uuid not in locator_map: locator_map.append(uuid)"Updating locator map", locator=locator, uuid=uuid) else:"UUID already in the map", locator=locator, uuid=uuid) else: locator_map = [uuid]"Creating new locator map", locator=locator, uuid=uuid) key = (LOCATOR_MAP_PREFIX + locator).encode("utf-8") self.db.put(key, json.dumps(locator_map).encode("utf-8"))
[docs] def update_locator_map(self, locator, locator_map): """ Updates a ``locator:uuid`` map in the database by deleting one of it's uuid. It will only work as long as the given ``locator_map`` is a subset of the current one and it's not empty. Args: locator (:obj:`str`): a 16-byte hex-encoded string used as the key of the map. locator_map (:obj:`list`): a list of uuids to replace the current one on the db. """ current_locator_map = self.load_locator_map(locator) if set(locator_map).issubset(current_locator_map) and len(locator_map) != 0: key = (LOCATOR_MAP_PREFIX + locator).encode("utf-8") self.db.put(key, json.dumps(locator_map).encode("utf-8")) else: self.logger.error("Trying to update a locator_map with completely different, or empty, data")
[docs] def delete_locator_map(self, locator): """ Deletes a ``locator:uuid`` map. Args: locator (:obj:`str`): a 16-byte hex-encoded string identifying the map to delete. Returns: :obj:`bool`: True if the locator map was deleted from the database or it was non-existent, False otherwise. """ try: self.delete_entry(locator, prefix=LOCATOR_MAP_PREFIX)"Deleting locator map from db", locator=locator) return True except TypeError:"Couldn't delete locator map from db, locator has wrong type", locator=locator) return False
[docs] def delete_watcher_appointment(self, uuid): """ Deletes an appointment from the database. Args: uuid (:obj:`str`): a 16-byte hex-encoded string identifying the appointment to be deleted. Returns: :obj:`bool`: True if the appointment was deleted from the database or it was non-existent, False otherwise. """ try: self.delete_entry(uuid, prefix=WATCHER_PREFIX)"Deleting appointment from Watcher's db", uuid=uuid) return True except TypeError:"Couldn't delete appointment from db, uuid has wrong type", uuid=uuid) return False
[docs] def batch_delete_watcher_appointments(self, uuids): """ Deletes multiple appointments from the database. Args: uuids (:obj:`list`): a list of 16-byte hex-encoded strings identifying the appointments to be deleted. """ with self.db.write_batch() as b: for uuid in uuids: b.delete((WATCHER_PREFIX + uuid).encode("utf-8"))"Deleting appointment from Watcher's db", uuid=uuid)
[docs] def delete_responder_tracker(self, uuid): """ Deletes a tracker from the database. Args: uuid (:obj:`str`): a 16-byte hex-encoded string identifying the tracker to be deleted. Returns: :obj:`bool`: True if the tracker was deleted from the database or it was non-existent, False otherwise. """ try: self.delete_entry(uuid, prefix=RESPONDER_PREFIX)"Deleting tracker from Responder's db", uuid=uuid) return True except TypeError:"Couldn't delete tracker from db, uuid has wrong type", uuid=uuid) return False
[docs] def batch_delete_responder_trackers(self, uuids): """ Deletes multiple trackers from the database. Args: uuids (:obj:`list`): a list of 16-byte hex-encoded strings identifying the trackers to be deleted. """ with self.db.write_batch() as b: for uuid in uuids: b.delete((RESPONDER_PREFIX + uuid).encode("utf-8"))"Deleting appointment from Responder's db", uuid=uuid)
[docs] def load_last_block_hash_watcher(self): """ Loads the last known block hash of the :obj:`Watcher <teos.watcher.Watcher>` from the database. Returns: :obj:`str` or :obj:`None`: A 32-byte hex-encoded string representing the last known block hash if found. Returns :obj:`None` otherwise. """ return self.get_last_known_block(WATCHER_LAST_BLOCK_KEY)
[docs] def load_last_block_hash_responder(self): """ Loads the last known block hash of the :obj:`Responder <teos.responder.Responder>` from the database. Returns: :obj:`str` or :obj:`None`: A 32-byte hex-encoded string representing the last known block hash if found. Returns :obj:`None` otherwise. """ return self.get_last_known_block(RESPONDER_LAST_BLOCK_KEY)
[docs] def store_last_block_hash_watcher(self, block_hash): """ Stores a block hash as the last known block of the :obj:`Watcher <teos.watcher.Watcher>`. Args: block_hash (:obj:`str`): the block hash to be stored (32-byte hex-encoded) Returns: :obj:`bool`: True if the block hash was stored in the db. False otherwise. """ try: self.create_entry(WATCHER_LAST_BLOCK_KEY, block_hash) return True except (TypeError, json.JSONDecodeError): return False
[docs] def store_last_block_hash_responder(self, block_hash): """ Stores a block hash as the last known block of the :obj:`Responder <teos.responder.Responder>`. Args: block_hash (:obj:`str`): the block hash to be stored (32-byte hex-encoded) Returns: :obj:`bool`: True if the block hash was stored in the db. False otherwise. """ try: self.create_entry(RESPONDER_LAST_BLOCK_KEY, block_hash) return True except (TypeError, json.JSONDecodeError): return False
[docs] def create_triggered_appointment_flag(self, uuid): """ Creates a flag that signals that an appointment has been triggered. Args: uuid (:obj:`str`): the identifier of the flag to be created. """ self.db.put((TRIGGERED_APPOINTMENTS_PREFIX + uuid).encode("utf-8"), "".encode("utf-8"))"Flagging appointment as triggered", uuid=uuid)
[docs] def batch_create_triggered_appointment_flag(self, uuids): """ Creates a flag that signals that an appointment has been triggered for every appointment in the given list. Args: uuids (:obj:`list`): a list of identifiers for the appointments to flag. """ with self.db.write_batch() as b: for uuid in uuids: b.put((TRIGGERED_APPOINTMENTS_PREFIX + uuid).encode("utf-8"), b"")"Flagging appointment as triggered", uuid=uuid)
[docs] def load_all_triggered_flags(self): """ Loads all the appointment triggered flags from the database. Returns: :obj:`list`: a list of all the uuids of the triggered appointments. """ return [ k.decode()[len(TRIGGERED_APPOINTMENTS_PREFIX) :] # noqa: E203 for k, v in self.db.iterator(prefix=TRIGGERED_APPOINTMENTS_PREFIX.encode("utf-8")) ]
[docs] def delete_triggered_appointment_flag(self, uuid): """ Deletes a flag that signals that an appointment has been triggered. Args: uuid (:obj:`str`): the identifier of the flag to be removed. Returns: :obj:`bool`: True if the flag was deleted from the database or it was non-existent, False otherwise. """ try: self.delete_entry(uuid, prefix=TRIGGERED_APPOINTMENTS_PREFIX)"Removing triggered flag from appointment appointment", uuid=uuid) return True except TypeError:"Couldn't delete triggered flag from db, uuid has wrong type", uuid=uuid) return False
[docs] def batch_delete_triggered_appointment_flag(self, uuids): """ Deletes a list of flag signaling that some appointment have been triggered. Args: uuids (:obj:`list`): the identifier of the flag to be removed. """ with self.db.write_batch() as b: for uuid in uuids: b.delete((TRIGGERED_APPOINTMENTS_PREFIX + uuid).encode("utf-8"))"Removing triggered flag from appointment appointment", uuid=uuid)