Source code for contrib.client.teos_client

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import os
import sys
import time
import json
import binascii
import requests
from logging import getLogger
from sys import argv
from uuid import uuid4
from coincurve import PublicKey
from getopt import getopt, GetoptError
from requests import Timeout, ConnectionError
from requests.exceptions import MissingSchema, InvalidSchema, InvalidURL

from common import constants
import common.receipts as receipts
from common.appointment import Appointment
from common.config_loader import ConfigLoader
from common.cryptographer import Cryptographer
from import setup_data_folder
from common.exceptions import InvalidKey, InvalidParameter, SignatureError, TowerResponseError
from import is_256b_hex_str, is_locator, compute_locator, is_compressed_pk

from contrib.client import DEFAULT_CONF, DATA_DIR, CONF_FILE_NAME
from import show_usage, help_add_appointment, help_get_appointment, help_register

logger = getLogger("Client")

[docs]def register(user_id, teos_id, teos_url): """ Registers the user to the tower. Args: user_id (:obj:`str`): a 33-byte hex-encoded compressed public key representing the user. teos_id (:obj:`str`): the tower's compressed public key. teos_url (:obj:`str`): the teos base url. Returns: :obj:`tuple`: A tuple containing the available slots count and the subscription expiry. Raises: :obj:`InvalidParameter`: if `user_id` is invalid. :obj:`ConnectionError`: if the client cannot connect to the tower. :obj:`TowerResponseError`: if the tower responded with an error, or the response was invalid. """ if not is_compressed_pk(user_id): raise InvalidParameter("The cli public key is not valid") # Send request to the server. register_endpoint = "{}/register".format(teos_url) data = {"public_key": user_id}"Registering in the Eye of Satoshi") response = process_post_response(post_request(data, register_endpoint)) available_slots = response.get("available_slots") subscription_expiry = response.get("subscription_expiry") tower_signature = response.get("subscription_signature") # Check that the server signed the response as it should. if not tower_signature: raise TowerResponseError("The response does not contain the signature of the subscription") # Check that the signature is correct. subscription_receipt = receipts.create_registration_receipt(user_id, available_slots, subscription_expiry) rpk = Cryptographer.recover_pk(subscription_receipt, tower_signature) if teos_id != Cryptographer.get_compressed_pk(rpk): raise TowerResponseError("The returned appointment's signature is invalid") return available_slots, subscription_expiry
[docs]def create_appointment(appointment_data): """ Creates an appointment object from an appointment data dictionary provided by the user. Performs all the required sanity checks on the input data: - Check that the given commitment_txid is correct (proper format and not missing) - Check that the transaction is correct (not missing) Args: appointment_data (:obj:`dict`): a dictionary containing the appointment data. Returns: :obj:`common.appointment.Appointment`: An appointment built from the appointment data provided by the user. """ tx_id = appointment_data.get("tx_id") tx = appointment_data.get("tx") if not tx_id: raise InvalidParameter("Missing tx_id, locator cannot be computed") elif not is_256b_hex_str(tx_id): raise InvalidParameter("Wrong tx_id, locator cannot be computed") elif not tx: raise InvalidParameter("The tx field is missing in the provided data") elif not isinstance(tx, str): raise InvalidParameter("The provided tx field is not a string") appointment_data["locator"] = compute_locator(tx_id) appointment_data["encrypted_blob"] = Cryptographer.encrypt(tx, tx_id) return Appointment.from_dict(appointment_data)
[docs]def add_appointment(appointment, user_sk, teos_id, teos_url): """ Manages the add_appointment command. The life cycle of the function is as follows: - Sign the appointment - Send the appointment to the tower - Wait for the response - Check the tower's response and signature Args: appointment (:obj:`Appointment <common.appointment.Appointment>`): an appointment object. user_sk (:obj:`PrivateKey`): the user's private key. teos_id (:obj:`str`): the tower's compressed public key. teos_url (:obj:`str`): the teos base url. Returns: :obj:`tuple`: A tuple containing the start block and the tower's signature of the appointment. Raises: :obj:`ValueError`: if the appointment cannot be signed. :obj:`ConnectionError`: if the client cannot connect to the tower. :obj:`TowerResponseError`: if the tower responded with an error, or the response was invalid. """ signature = Cryptographer.sign(appointment.serialize(), user_sk) data = {"appointment": appointment.to_dict(), "signature": signature} # Send appointment to the server."Sending appointment to the Eye of Satoshi") add_appointment_endpoint = "{}/add_appointment".format(teos_url) response = process_post_response(post_request(data, add_appointment_endpoint)) tower_signature = response.get("signature") start_block = response.get("start_block") appointment_receipt = receipts.create_appointment_receipt(signature, start_block) # Check that the server signed the appointment as it should. if not tower_signature: raise TowerResponseError("The response does not contain the signature of the appointment") rpk = Cryptographer.recover_pk(appointment_receipt, tower_signature) if teos_id != Cryptographer.get_compressed_pk(rpk): raise TowerResponseError("The returned appointment's signature is invalid")"Appointment accepted and signed by the Eye of Satoshi")"Remaining slots: {}".format(response.get("available_slots")))"Start block: {}".format(start_block)) return start_block, tower_signature
[docs]def get_appointment(locator, user_sk, teos_id, teos_url): """ Gets information about an appointment from the tower. Args: locator (:obj:`str`): the appointment locator used to identify it. user_sk (:obj:`PrivateKey`): the user's private key. teos_id (:obj:`PublicKey`): the tower's compressed public key. teos_url (:obj:`str`): the teos base url. Returns: :obj:`dict`: A dictionary containing the appointment data. Raises: :obj:`InvalidParameter`: if `appointment_data` or any of its fields is invalid. :obj:`ConnectionError`: if the client cannot connect to the tower. :obj:`TowerResponseError`: if the tower responded with an error, or the response was invalid. """ # FIXME: All responses from the tower should be signed. Not using teos_id atm. if not is_locator(locator): raise InvalidParameter("The provided locator is not valid", locator=locator) message = "get appointment {}".format(locator) signature = Cryptographer.sign(message.encode(), user_sk) data = {"locator": locator, "signature": signature} # Send request to the server. get_appointment_endpoint = "{}/get_appointment".format(teos_url)"Requesting appointment from the Eye of Satoshi") response = process_post_response(post_request(data, get_appointment_endpoint)) return response
[docs]def load_keys(user_sk_path): """ Loads all the user private key and id. Args: user_sk_path (:obj:`str`): path to the user's private key file. Returns: :obj:`tuple`: A tuple containing a :obj:`PrivateKey` and a :obj:`str` representing the user sk and user id (compressed pk) respectively. Raises: :obj:`InvalidKey`: if any of the keys is invalid or cannot be loaded. """ if not user_sk_path: raise InvalidKey("Client's private key file not found. Please check your settings") try: user_sk_der = Cryptographer.load_key_file(user_sk_path) user_sk = Cryptographer.load_private_key_der(user_sk_der) except (InvalidParameter, InvalidKey): raise InvalidKey("Client private key is invalid or cannot be parsed") try: user_id = Cryptographer.get_compressed_pk(user_sk.public_key) except (InvalidParameter, InvalidKey): raise InvalidKey("Client public key cannot be loaded") return user_sk, user_id
[docs]def load_teos_id(teos_pk_path): """ Loads the tower id from disk. Args: teos_pk_path (:obj:`str`): path to the tower's public key file. Returns: :obj:`str`: The tower id. Raises: :obj:`InvalidKey`: if the public key is invalid or cannot be loaded. """ if not teos_pk_path: raise InvalidKey("TEOS's public key file not found. Have you registered with the tower?") try: teos_id = Cryptographer.get_compressed_pk(PublicKey(Cryptographer.load_key_file(teos_pk_path))) except (InvalidParameter, InvalidKey, ValueError): raise InvalidKey("TEOS public key cannot be loaded. Try registering again") return teos_id
[docs]def post_request(data, endpoint): """ Sends a post request to the tower. Args: data (:obj:`dict`): a dictionary containing the data to be posted. endpoint (:obj:`str`): the endpoint to send the post request. Returns: :obj:`dict`: A json-encoded dictionary with the server response if the data can be posted. Raises: :obj:`ConnectionError`: if the client cannot connect to the tower. """ try: return, json=data, timeout=5) except Timeout: message = "Cannot connect to the Eye of Satoshi's API. Connection timeout" except ConnectionError: message = "Cannot connect to the Eye of Satoshi's API. Server cannot be reached" except (InvalidSchema, MissingSchema, InvalidURL): message = "Invalid URL. No schema, or invalid schema, found ({})".format(endpoint) raise ConnectionError(message)
[docs]def process_post_response(response): """ Processes the server response to a post request. Args: response (:obj:`Response`): a :obj:`Response` object obtained from the request. Returns: :obj:`dict`: A dictionary containing the tower's response data if the response type is ``HTTP_OK``. Raises: :obj:`TowerResponseError`: if the tower responded with an error, or the response was invalid. """ try: response_json = response.json() except (json.JSONDecodeError, AttributeError): raise TowerResponseError( "The server returned a non-JSON response", status_code=response.status_code, reason=response.reason ) if response.status_code != constants.HTTP_OK: raise TowerResponseError( "The server returned an error", status_code=response.status_code, reason=response.reason, data=response_json ) return response_json
[docs]def parse_add_appointment_args(args): """ Parses the arguments of the add_appointment command. Args: args (:obj:`list`): a list of command line arguments that must contain a json encoded appointment, or the file option and the path to a file containing a json encoded appointment. Returns: :obj:`dict`: A dictionary containing the appointment data. Raises: :obj:`InvalidParameter`: if the appointment data is not JSON encoded. :obj:`FileNotFoundError`: if ``-f`` is passed and the appointment file is not found. :obj:`IOError`: if ``-f`` was passed and the file cannot be read. """ use_help = "Use 'help add_appointment' for help of how to use the command" if not args: raise InvalidParameter("No appointment data provided. " + use_help) arg_opt = args.pop(0) try: if arg_opt in ["-h", "--help"]: sys.exit(help_add_appointment()) if arg_opt in ["-f", "--file"]: fin = args.pop(0) if not os.path.isfile(fin): raise FileNotFoundError("Cannot find {}".format(fin)) try: with open(fin) as f: appointment_data = json.load(f) except IOError as e: raise IOError("Cannot read appointment file. {}".format(str(e))) else: appointment_data = json.loads(arg_opt) if not appointment_data: raise InvalidParameter("The provided appointment JSON is empty") except json.JSONDecodeError: raise InvalidParameter("Non-JSON encoded data provided as appointment. " + use_help) return appointment_data
[docs]def save_appointment_receipt(appointment, start_block, signature, appointments_folder_path): """ Saves an appointment receipt to disk. A receipt consists of an appointment and a signature from the tower. Args: appointment (:obj:`Appointment <common.appointment.Appointment>`): the appointment to be saved on disk. start_block (:obj:`int`): the block height at which the tower started to watch for the appointment. signature (:obj:`str`): the signature of the appointment performed by the tower. appointments_folder_path (:obj:`str`): the path to the appointments folder. Raises: IOError: if an error occurs whilst writing the file on disk. """ # Create the appointments directory if it doesn't already exist os.makedirs(appointments_folder_path, exist_ok=True) timestamp = int(time.time()) locator = appointment["locator"] uuid = uuid4().hex # prevent filename collisions filename = "{}/appointment-{}-{}-{}.json".format(appointments_folder_path, timestamp, locator, uuid) data = {"appointment": appointment, "start_block": start_block, "signature": signature} try: with open(filename, "w") as f: json.dump(data, f)"Appointment saved at {}".format(filename)) except IOError as e: raise IOError("There was an error while saving the appointment. {}".format(e))
[docs]def main(command, args, command_line_conf): # Loads config and sets up the data folder and log file config_loader = ConfigLoader(DATA_DIR, CONF_FILE_NAME, DEFAULT_CONF, command_line_conf) config = config_loader.build_config() setup_data_folder(config.get("DATA_DIR")) # Set the teos url teos_url = "{}:{}".format(config.get("API_CONNECT"), config.get("API_PORT")) # If an http or https prefix if found, leaves the server as is. Otherwise defaults to http. if not teos_url.startswith("http"): teos_url = "http://" + teos_url try: if os.path.exists(config.get("USER_PRIVATE_KEY")): logger.debug("Client id found. Loading keys") user_sk, user_id = load_keys(config.get("USER_PRIVATE_KEY")) else:"Client id not found. Generating new keys") user_sk = Cryptographer.generate_key() Cryptographer.save_key_file(user_sk.to_der(), "user_sk", config.get("DATA_DIR")) user_id = Cryptographer.get_compressed_pk(user_sk.public_key) if command == "register": if not args: raise InvalidParameter("Cannot register. No tower id was given") else: teos_id = args.pop(0) if not is_compressed_pk(teos_id): raise InvalidParameter("Cannot register. Tower id has invalid format") available_slots, subscription_expiry = register(user_id, teos_id, teos_url)"Registration succeeded. Available slots: {}".format(available_slots))"Subscription expires at block {}".format(subscription_expiry)) teos_id_file = os.path.join(config.get("DATA_DIR"), "teos_pk") Cryptographer.save_key_file(binascii.unhexlify(teos_id), teos_id_file, config.get("DATA_DIR")) if command == "add_appointment": teos_id = load_teos_id(config.get("TEOS_PUBLIC_KEY")) appointment_data = parse_add_appointment_args(args) appointment = create_appointment(appointment_data) start_block, signature = add_appointment(appointment, user_sk, teos_id, teos_url) save_appointment_receipt( appointment.to_dict(), start_block, signature, config.get("APPOINTMENTS_FOLDER_NAME") ) elif command == "get_appointment": if not args: logger.error("No arguments were given") else: arg_opt = args.pop(0) if arg_opt in ["-h", "--help"]: sys.exit(help_get_appointment()) teos_id = load_teos_id(config.get("TEOS_PUBLIC_KEY")) appointment_data = get_appointment(arg_opt, user_sk, teos_id, teos_url) if appointment_data: print(appointment_data) elif command == "help": if args: command = args.pop(0) if command == "register": sys.exit(help_register()) if command == "add_appointment": sys.exit(help_add_appointment()) elif command == "get_appointment": sys.exit(help_get_appointment()) else: logger.error("Unknown command. Use help to check the list of available commands") else: sys.exit(show_usage()) except (FileNotFoundError, IOError, ConnectionError, ValueError) as e: logger.error(str(e)) except (InvalidKey, InvalidParameter, TowerResponseError, SignatureError) as e: logger.error(e.msg, **e.kwargs) except Exception as e: logger.error("Unknown error occurred", error=str(e))
if __name__ == "__main__": command_line_conf = {} commands = ["register", "add_appointment", "get_appointment", "help"] try: opts, args = getopt(argv[1:], "h", ["apiconnect=", "apiport=", "help"]) for opt, arg in opts: if opt in ["--apiconnect"]: if arg: command_line_conf["API_CONNECT"] = arg if opt in ["--apiport"]: if arg: try: command_line_conf["API_PORT"] = int(arg) except ValueError: sys.exit("port must be an integer") if opt in ["-h", "--help"]: sys.exit(show_usage()) command = args.pop(0) if args else None if command in commands: main(command, args, command_line_conf) elif not command: sys.exit("No command provided. Use help to check the list of available commands") else: sys.exit("Unknown command. Use help to check the list of available commands") except GetoptError as e: sys.exit("{}".format(e))