Source code for common.exceptions

[docs]class BasicException(Exception): """Base exception for all the other custom ones. Allows to store a message and some ``kwargs``.""" def __init__(self, msg, **kwargs): self.msg = msg self.kwargs = kwargs def __str__(self): if len(self.kwargs) > 2: params = "".join("{}={}, ".format(k, v) for k, v in self.kwargs.items()) # Remove the extra 2 characters (space and comma) and add all data to the final message. message = self.msg + " ({})".format(params[:-2]) else: message = self.msg return message
[docs] def to_json(self): """Converts the exception to json format.""" response = {"error": self.msg} response.update(self.kwargs) return response
[docs]class InvalidParameter(BasicException): """Raised when a command line parameter is invalid (either missing or wrong)."""
[docs]class InvalidKey(BasicException): """Raised when there is an error loading the keys."""
[docs]class EncryptionError(BasicException): """Raised when there is an error with encryption related functions, covers decryption."""
[docs]class SignatureError(BasicException): """Raised when there is an with the signature related functions, covers EC recover."""
[docs]class TowerConnectionError(BasicException): """Raised when the tower responds with an error."""
[docs]class TowerResponseError(BasicException): """Raised when the tower responds with an error."""