Source code for common.cryptographer

import os.path
import pyzbase32
from pathlib import Path
from hashlib import sha256, new
from binascii import unhexlify, hexlify
from coincurve.utils import int_to_bytes
from coincurve import PrivateKey, PublicKey
from cryptography.exceptions import InvalidTag
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.ciphers.aead import ChaCha20Poly1305

from import is_256b_hex_str
from common.exceptions import InvalidKey, InvalidParameter, SignatureError, EncryptionError

LN_MESSAGE_PREFIX = b"Lightning Signed Message:"

[docs]def sha256d(message): """ Computes the double sha256 of a given message. Args: message(:obj:`bytes`): the message to be used as input to the hash function. Returns: :obj:`bytes`: The sha256d of the given message. """ return sha256(sha256(message).digest()).digest()
[docs]def hash_160(message): """ Calculates the RIPEMD-160 hash of a given message. Args: message (:obj:`str`): the message to be hashed. Returns: :obj:`str`: The ripemd160 hash of the given message. """ # Calculate the RIPEMD-160 hash of the given data. md = new("ripemd160") md.update(unhexlify(message)) h160 = md.hexdigest() return h160
[docs]def sigrec_encode(rsig_rid): """ Encodes a pk-recoverable signature to be used in LN. ``rsig_rid`` can be obtained trough ``PrivateKey.sign_recoverable``. The required format has the recovery id as the last byte, and for signing LN messages we need it as the first. From: Args: rsig_rid(:obj:`bytes`): the signature to be encoded. Returns: :obj:`bytes`: The encoded signature. """ rsig, rid = rsig_rid[:64], rsig_rid[64] sigrec = int_to_bytes(rid + 31) + rsig return sigrec
[docs]def sigrec_decode(sigrec): """ Decodes a pk-recoverable signature in the format used by LN to be input to ``PublicKey.from_signature_and_message``. Args: sigrec(:obj:`bytes`): the signature to be decoded. Returns: :obj:`bytes`: The decoded signature. Raises: :obj:`ValueError`: if the SigRec is not properly encoded (first byte is not 31 + recovery id) """ int_rid, rsig = sigrec[0] - 31, sigrec[1:] if int_rid < 0: raise ValueError("Wrong SigRec") else: rid = int_to_bytes(int_rid) return rsig + rid
[docs]class Cryptographer: """ The :class:`Cryptographer` is in charge of all the cryptography in the tower. """
[docs] @staticmethod def check_data_key_format(data, secret): """ Checks that the data and secret that will be used to by ``encrypt`` / ``decrypt`` are properly formatted. Args: data(:obj:`str`): the data to be encrypted. secret(:obj:`str`): the secret used to derive the encryption key. Raises: :obj:`InvalidParameter`: if either the ``key`` and/or ``data`` are not properly formatted. """ if len(data) % 2: raise InvalidParameter("Incorrect (Odd-length) data", data=data) if not is_256b_hex_str(secret): raise InvalidParameter("Secret must be a 32-byte hex value (64 hex chars)", secret=secret)
[docs] @staticmethod def encrypt(message, secret): """ Encrypts a given message data using ``CHACHA20POLY1305``. ``SHA256(secret)`` is used as ``key``, and ``0 (12-byte)`` as ``iv``. Args: message (:obj:`str`): a message to be encrypted. Should be the hex-encoded commitment_tx. secret (:obj:`str`): a value to used to derive the encryption key. Should be the dispute txid. Returns: :obj:`str`: The encrypted data (hex-encoded). Raises: :obj:`InvalidParameter`: if either the ``key`` and/or ``data`` are not properly formatted. """ Cryptographer.check_data_key_format(message, secret) # sk is the H(txid) (32-byte) and nonce is set to 0 (12-byte) sk = sha256(unhexlify(secret)).digest() nonce = bytearray(12) # Encrypt the data cipher = ChaCha20Poly1305(sk) encrypted_blob = cipher.encrypt(nonce=nonce, data=unhexlify(message), associated_data=None) encrypted_blob = hexlify(encrypted_blob).decode("utf8") return encrypted_blob
[docs] @staticmethod # ToDo: #20-test-tx-decrypting-edge-cases def decrypt(encrypted_blob, secret): """ Decrypts a given encrypted_blob using ``CHACHA20POLY1305``. ``SHA256(secret)`` is used as ``key``, and ``0 (12-byte)`` as ``iv``. Args: encrypted_blob(:obj:`str`): an encrypted blob of data potentially containing a penalty transaction. secret (:obj:`str`): a value used to derive the decryption key. Should be the dispute txid. Returns: :obj:`str`: The decrypted data (hex-encoded). Raises: :obj:`InvalidParameter`: if either the ``key`` and/or ``data`` are not properly formatted. :obj:`EncryptionError`: if the data cannot be decrypted with the given key. """ Cryptographer.check_data_key_format(encrypted_blob, secret) # sk is the H(txid) (32-byte) and nonce is set to 0 (12-byte) sk = sha256(unhexlify(secret)).digest() nonce = bytearray(12) # Decrypt cipher = ChaCha20Poly1305(sk) data = unhexlify(encrypted_blob) try: blob = cipher.decrypt(nonce=nonce, data=data, associated_data=None) blob = hexlify(blob).decode("utf8") except InvalidTag: raise EncryptionError("Cannot decrypt blob with the provided key", blob=encrypted_blob, key=secret) return blob
[docs] @staticmethod def generate_key(): """ Generates an ECDSA private key (over secp256k1). Returns: :obj:`PrivateKey`: A private key. """ return PrivateKey()
[docs] @staticmethod def save_key_file(key, name, data_dir): """ Saves a key to disk in DER format. Args: key (:obj:`bytes`): the key to be saved to disk. name (:obj:`str`): the name of the key file to be generated. data_dir (:obj:`str`): the data directory where the file will be saved. Raises: :obj:`InvalidParameter`: If the given key is not bytes or the name or data_dir are not strings. """ if not isinstance(key, bytes): raise InvalidParameter("Key must be bytes, {} received".format(type(key))) if not isinstance(name, str): raise InvalidParameter("Key name must be str, {} received".format(type(name))) if not isinstance(data_dir, str): raise InvalidParameter("Data dir must be str, {} received".format(type(data_dir))) # Create the output folder it it does not exist (and all the parents if they don't either) Path(data_dir).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) with open(os.path.join(data_dir, "{}.der".format(name)), "wb") as der_out: der_out.write(key)
[docs] @staticmethod def load_key_file(file_path): """ Loads a key from a key file. Args: file_path (:obj:`str`): the path to the key file to be loaded. Returns: :obj:`bytes`: The key file data if the file can be found and read. Raises: :obj:`InvalidParameter`: if the file_path has wrong format or cannot be found. :obj:`InvalidKey`: if the key cannot be loaded from the file. It covers temporary I/O errors. """ if not isinstance(file_path, str): raise InvalidParameter("Key file path was expected, {} received".format(type(file_path))) try: with open(file_path, "rb") as key_file: key = return key except FileNotFoundError: raise InvalidParameter("Key file not found at {}. Please check your settings".format(file_path)) except IOError as e: raise InvalidKey("Key file cannot be loaded", exception=e)
[docs] @staticmethod def load_private_key_der(sk_der): """ Creates a :obj:`PrivateKey` from a given ``DER`` encoded private key. Args: sk_der(:obj:`str`): a private key encoded in ``DER`` format. Returns: :obj:`PrivateKey`: A :obj:`PrivateKey` object if the private key can be loaded. Raises: :obj:`InvalidKey`: if a :obj:`PrivateKey` cannot be loaded from the given data. """ try: sk = PrivateKey.from_der(sk_der) return sk except ValueError: raise InvalidKey("The provided key data cannot be deserialized (wrong size or format)") except TypeError: raise InvalidKey("The provided key data cannot be deserialized (wrong type)")
[docs] @staticmethod def sign(message, sk): """ Signs a given message with a given secret key using ECDSA over secp256k1. Args: message(:obj:`bytes`): the data to be signed. sk(:obj:`PrivateKey`): the ECDSA secret key to be used to sign the data. Returns: :obj:`str`: The zbase32 signature of the given message is it can be signed. Raises: :obj:`InvalidParameter`: if the message and/or secret key have a wrong value. :obj:`SignatureError`: if there is an error during the signing process. """ if not isinstance(message, bytes): raise InvalidParameter("Wrong value passed as message. Received {}, expected (bytes)".format(type(message))) if not isinstance(sk, PrivateKey): raise InvalidParameter("Wrong value passed as sk. Received {}, expected (PrivateKey)".format(type(message))) try: rsig_rid = sk.sign_recoverable(LN_MESSAGE_PREFIX + message, hasher=sha256d) sigrec = sigrec_encode(rsig_rid) zb32_sig = pyzbase32.encode_bytes(sigrec).decode() except ValueError as e: raise SignatureError("Couldn't sign the message. " + str(e)) return zb32_sig
[docs] @staticmethod def recover_pk(message, zb32_sig): """ Recovers an ECDSA public key from a given message and zbase32 signature. Args: message(:obj:`bytes`): original message from where the signature was generated. zb32_sig(:obj:`str`): the zbase32 signature of the message. Returns: :obj:`PublicKey`: The public key if it can be recovered. Raises: :obj:`InvalidParameter`: if the message and/or signature have a wrong value. :obj:`SignatureError`: if a public key cannot be recovered from the given signature. """ if not isinstance(message, bytes): raise InvalidParameter("Wrong value passed as message. Received {}, expected (bytes)".format(type(message))) if not isinstance(zb32_sig, str): raise InvalidParameter( "Wrong value passed as zbase32_sig. Received {}, expected (str)".format(type(zb32_sig)) ) sigrec = pyzbase32.decode_bytes(zb32_sig) try: rsig_recid = sigrec_decode(sigrec) pk = PublicKey.from_signature_and_message(rsig_recid, LN_MESSAGE_PREFIX + message, hasher=sha256d) return pk except ValueError as e: # Several errors fit here: Signature length != 65, wrong recover id and failed to parse signature. # All of them return raise ValueError. raise SignatureError("Cannot recover a public key from the given signature. " + str(e)) except Exception as e: if "failed to recover ECDSA public key" in str(e): raise SignatureError("Cannot recover a public key from the given signature") else: raise SignatureError("Unknown exception. " + str(e))
[docs] @staticmethod def get_compressed_pk(pk): """ Computes a compressed, hex-encoded, public key given a :obj:`PublicKey` . Args: pk(:obj:`PublicKey`): a given public key. Returns: :obj:`str`: A compressed, hex-encoded, public key (33-byte long) if it can be compressed. Raises: :obj:`InvalidParameter`: if the value passed as public key is not a PublicKey object. :obj:`InvalidKey`: if the public key has not been properly created. """ if not isinstance(pk, PublicKey): raise InvalidParameter("Wrong value passed as pk. Received {}, expected (PublicKey)".format(type(pk))) try: compressed_pk = pk.format(compressed=True) return hexlify(compressed_pk).decode("utf-8") except TypeError as e: raise InvalidKey("PublicKey has invalid initializer", error=str(e))