Source code for common.config_loader

import os
import configparser

[docs]class ConfigLoader: """ The :class:`ConfigLoader` class is in charge of loading all the configuration parameters to create a config dict that can be used to set all configurable parameters of the system. Args: data_dir (:obj:`str`): the path to the data directory where the configuration file may be found. default_conf (:obj:`dict`): a dictionary populated with the default configuration params and the expected types. The format is as follows: ``{"field0": {"value": value_from_conf_file, "type": expected_type, ...}}`` command_line_conf (:obj:`dict`): a dictionary containing the command line parameters that may replace the ones in default / config file. Attributes: data_dir (:obj:`str`): The path to the data directory where the configuration file may be found. conf_file_path (:obj:`str`): The path to the config file (the file may not exist). conf_fields (:obj:`dict`): A dictionary populated with the configuration params and the expected types. It follows the same format as ``default_conf``. command_line_conf (:obj:`dict`): A dictionary containing the command line parameters that may replace the ones in default / config file. """ def __init__(self, data_dir, conf_file_name, default_conf, command_line_conf): self.data_dir = data_dir self.conf_file_path = os.path.join(self.data_dir, conf_file_name) self.conf_fields = default_conf self.command_line_conf = command_line_conf self.overwritten_fields = set()
[docs] def build_config(self): """ Builds a config dictionary from command line, config file and default configuration parameters. The priority is as follows: - command line - config file - defaults Returns: :obj:`dict`: A dictionary containing all the configuration parameters. """ if os.path.exists(self.conf_file_path): file_config = configparser.ConfigParser() # Load parameters and cast them to int if necessary if file_config: for sec in file_config.sections(): for k, v in file_config.items(sec): k_upper = k.upper() if k_upper in self.conf_fields: if self.conf_fields[k_upper]["type"] == int: try: self.conf_fields[k_upper]["value"] = int(v) except ValueError: err_msg = "{} is not an integer ({}).".format(k, v) raise ValueError(err_msg) else: self.conf_fields[k_upper]["value"] = v self.overwritten_fields.add(k_upper) # Override the command line parameters to the defaults / conf file for k, v in self.command_line_conf.items(): self.conf_fields[k]["value"] = v self.overwritten_fields.add(k) # Extend relative paths expanded_data_dir = self.extend_paths() # Sanity check fields and build config dictionary config = self.create_config_dict() config["DATA_DIR"] = expanded_data_dir return config
[docs] def create_config_dict(self): """ Checks that the configuration fields (``self.conf_fields``) have the right type and creates a config dict if so. Returns: :obj:`dict`: A dictionary with the same keys as the provided one, but containing only the "value" field as value if the provided ``conf_fields`` are correct. Raises: ValueError: If any of the dictionary elements does not have the expected type. """ conf_dict = {} for field in self.conf_fields: value = self.conf_fields[field]["value"] correct_type = self.conf_fields[field]["type"] if isinstance(value, correct_type): conf_dict[field] = value else: err_msg = "{} variable in config is of the wrong type".format(field) raise ValueError(err_msg) return conf_dict
[docs] def extend_paths(self): """ Extends the relative paths of the ``conf_fields`` dictionary with ``data_dir``. If an absolute path is given, it will remain the same. If the config contains a BTC_NETWORK field whose value is not "mainnet", it is also appended to the path. """ # if there is a BTC_NETWORK parameter whose value is not "mainnet", we append it to the data_dir when expanding network_field = self.conf_fields.get("BTC_NETWORK") if network_field and network_field.get("value") != "mainnet": expanded_data_dir = os.path.join(self.data_dir, network_field.get("value")) else: expanded_data_dir = self.data_dir for key, field in self.conf_fields.items(): if field.get("path") and isinstance(field.get("value"), str): self.conf_fields[key]["value"] = os.path.join(expanded_data_dir, self.conf_fields[key]["value"]) return expanded_data_dir