Source code for common.appointment

import struct
from binascii import unhexlify

[docs]class Appointment: """ The :class:`Appointment` contains the information regarding an appointment between a client and the Watchtower. Args: locator (:obj:`str`): A 16-byte hex-encoded value used by the tower to detect channel breaches. It serves as a trigger for the tower to decrypt and broadcast the penalty transaction. encrypted_blob (:obj:`str`): An encrypted blob of data containing a penalty transaction. The tower will decrypt it and broadcast the penalty transaction upon seeing a breach on the blockchain. to_self_delay (:obj:`int`): The ``to_self_delay`` encoded in the ``csv`` of the ``to_remote`` output of the commitment transaction that this appointment is covering. """ def __init__(self, locator, encrypted_blob, to_self_delay): self.locator = locator self.encrypted_blob = encrypted_blob self.to_self_delay = to_self_delay
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, appointment_data): """ Builds an appointment from a dictionary. Args: appointment_data (:obj:`dict`): a dictionary containing the following keys: ``{locator, to_self_delay, encrypted_blob}`` Returns: :obj:`Appointment`: An appointment initialized using the provided data. Raises: ValueError: If one of the mandatory keys is missing in ``appointment_data``. """ locator = appointment_data.get("locator") encrypted_blob = appointment_data.get("encrypted_blob") to_self_delay = appointment_data.get("to_self_delay") if any(v is None for v in [locator, to_self_delay, encrypted_blob]): raise ValueError("Wrong appointment data, some fields are missing") return cls(locator, encrypted_blob, to_self_delay)
[docs] def to_dict(self): """ Encodes an appointment as a dictionary. Returns: :obj:`dict`: A dictionary containing the appointment attributes. """ return self.__dict__
[docs] def serialize(self): """ Serializes an appointment to be signed. The serialization follows the same ordering as the fields in the appointment: locator | encrypted_blob | to_self_delay All values are big endian. Returns: :obj:`bytes`: The serialized data to be signed. """ return unhexlify(self.locator) + unhexlify(self.encrypted_blob) + struct.pack(">I", self.to_self_delay)